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Are you ready to take your cryptocurrency experience to the next level? Then you’ve come to the right place!

CA: 6A8DddeUyHyAP1MJcPHCK9jyP5cux594rRt3PfFWZBHo

Important Announcement

We regret to inform you that our old Telegram account and group have been deleted.

But don't worry, we're working hard to set up a new one!

Please bear with us, and we'll update the new links on our site soon.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Stay tuned for the new updates!

Know the

Token Features

SSSLTY it’s a community driven meme token for holders.

Liquidity Burned

Safe and secure

No taxes


TOTAL SUPPLY: 800,000,000
Liquidity Burned 🔥
TAX: 0/0


Learn about the growth process

Phase 1

✅ Building Telegram
✅ Building the project twitter
✅ Creation of the smart contract
✅ Dextool and Dexscreener

Phase 2

✅ Post launch Marketing
✅ Listing on Raydium
✅ Listing on DexScanner

Phase 3

✅ Twitter influencers
✅ Telegram calls
✅ BASE trending
✅ Community competitions

Phase 4

✅ Dextools trending
✅ Listings on reputable exchanges
✅ Partnerships with Influencer
✅ Utility annoucement

How to buy

How to get $SSSLTY


Download the Phantom Wallet app from the App Store or Google Play Store at no cost. If you’re using a desktop, obtain the Google Chrome extension.p>


Ensure you have deposited SOL in your wallet to convert to $SSSLTY. If you don’t possess any SOL, you can acquire it directly on Phantom, transfer it from another wallet, or purchase it on a different exchange and send it to your Phantom Wallet.

3. OPEN Raydium

Connect your wallet to Raydium. Paste the $SSSLTY token address into Raydium, select $SSSLTY, and confirm the transaction. Then, authorize the transaction on Phantom Wallet.

4. Buy token

Swap your SOL for $SSSLTY. Set the desired slippage, click “buy,” and be prepared to adjust the slippage during times of market volatility if necessary.p>

Available on

Join us

Our Community!

Are you ready to become part of the SSSLTY community? We are growing organically, and we want you to be a part of our incredible journey.
